Against The Hype

movies, criticism and their pleasures

Best Shot: Beauty and the Beast

April 13, 2011 By: Colin Low Category: Capsuled Thoughts

If there’s any doubt what Belle’s life as a princess will be like after the credits have rolled, this shot provides the answer. “Far-off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise”: she’s been there, and more besides. Is there another movie—an animated children’s film, no less—that has so compellingly explored the complex emotional territories of filial self-sacrifice, mob hysteria, the politics of mental illness, and full-blown romantic despair? One imagines Belle will now be content if everything else were to be found just in books. I know I would be, if I had a library like that.


2 Comments to “Best Shot: Beauty and the Beast

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